  1. the lost one

From the recording the lost one

Artist: Anja Elise; Written by: Lisa Freigang, Anja Elise, Dallas Brown; Release date: November 9, 2023; Mastered by Justin Perkins, Mystery Room Mastering; Photography Ella Freigang


I feel your presence near, warms me to my core.
Time passes quickly, and it gives and it takes.
Leaves me breathless, makes my soul ache.

The lost one comes slowly, like a rift through time.
Taking me on a journey that is not entirely mine.
The lost one brings me comfort, in the dark spaces of my mind.
Wrapping me in memories of another time.

So let your image drift, through the tangles of my mind.
Tracing the contours, of the memories left behind.
Building bridges through, the chasm in my soul.
Let me find the lost one.

If I can hide here, for a moment of your time.
Feeling your love, watching the world wander by.
I promise I'll slip back in, when I know that it's safe.
Feel you ever by my side, our own sacred place.

The lost one comes slowly, like a rift through time.
Taking me on a journey, that is not entirely mine.
The lost one brings me comfort, in the dark spaces of my mind.
Wrapping me in memories of another time.

Let my lost one come for me.
Place a balm on my fractured heart
Wrap me in your warm embrace, and gently point me home.
When my mind is calm and my heart is steady, I know I can face the truth.
I AM the lost one, forever seeking you.